Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Squaw Creek Resort

Travis and I spent last weekend at the Squaw Creek Resort in North Lake Tahoe. We wanted to squeeze in at least one trip before we are confined to the area surrounding Sutter Roseville Hospital. We had a great time relaxing by the pool and enjoying good food. We started out blindingly white, and came home red... 30 minutes without sunblock is all it takes for some of us! Returning to work, I had my first day off of orientation. The day went well, and it was liberating to be able to take care of my patients again without having to check with someone else first! I hope it continues to go well!

The Beautiful Resort Pool

The View from the Resort

Eating Lunch at Sandy's Pub

Our Hotel Room

Babysitting Carter!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Life has been busy and exciting the last couple of weeks! The weather is finally living up to Californian expectations and Travis and I have been trying to enjoy it, although my heat tolerance is limited now that I am lugging around an additional 20 lbs! We did go on a kayaking trip a few weeks ago and also a family trip to the Sacramento Zoo. We also celebrated my Grandfather's 75th Birthday, welcomed Adam and Lauren's new baby girl, Ella Madeline, into the world, and today, showered my friend Julie with lots of gifts in anticipation of her little girl, Reese, who is expected in August (can you say 'run-on sentence'?... they were always my weakness in elementary school!). Travis has been focused on getting fit for the summer. He is up at 5:30 in the morning and heading to the gym before work, whereas I have been avoiding most physical activity all together. As I'm sure everyone will notice in my belly pictures, I have experienced a growth spurt in the last month or so.... and exercise has been low on my priority list. Cross your fingers that I can get back into it after Aislinn is born!  

Me at 20 Weeks Pregnant:

Me at 24 Weeks Pregnant with a 20 lb. weight gain!

Grandpa's 75th!

Fun at the Zoo

Ella Madeline (06-08-10)