Tomorrow will mark week 30 and I will be three quarters of the way done with pregnancy. At this point I have gained almost 30 lbs (yikes) and have started to notice more swelling in my hands and legs. The heat has been absolute torture and Travis and I have been spending a lot more time indoors than we typically would during the summer... (Note to self: next pregnancy during the winter, please.) I live in shorts and tank tops these days and I try to avoid the sun. It has been exciting for the last 2-3 weeks, as Aislinn is obviously getting much larger and her movements are getting stronger. Her cute little 'kicks' have turned into full blown attacks, although she has decided to stay camped out on the right side of my stomach for some time now. I can feel her back against the right side of my belly, although I'm not sure which end is her head and which is her bottom :)
Travis and I are trying to enjoy summer as much as possible. We've been hanging out with friends, going to lots of BBQs and pool parties at the Yanes house, spending time with family, and counting down the weeks until our little girl is here with us. Travis is playing Rec Football and working in a new group at State Street (a much needed change of scenery).
Here are a couple pics with two of my favorite friends from high school (that I don't get to see nearly often enough!). We met up last weekend for drinks and shopping in Auburn. Dang it... I'm still the fat one!
Me and Molly