Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Where does the time go? I have fallen behind yet again, and since I'm officially off on maternity leave, I really have no good excuse!  
I am now a little over 35 weeks pregnant and I started maternity leave a week and a half ago. My first day off of work was sad. I felt like I had lost something... But that feeling really only lasted one day and then the excitement set in! 
Pregnancy continues to taunt me with uncontrollable weight gain (40 lbs as of this morning), swelling, shortness of breath, and fatigue. And, of course, the occasional mood swing :(
Nursery construction has started, but we still have lots more to do to prepare for Aislinn's arrival. My first baby shower with my co-workers was wonderful, and I'm excited for this weekend and our second baby shower with family and close friends! 
Julie and Tyler welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Reese Delaney, and we recently celebrated Mikayla's 8th Birthday and Cameron's 4th Birthday. 
We just finished up our childbirth classes and the hospital tour in preparation for delivery. I decided to take the semester off from the master's program at Sac State so that I could focus instead on our baby and my eventual return to work. Hopefully, when the time comes, the transition back to school will go smoothly! Here are a few recent pictures...

Cameron's Birthday Party

34 Weeks Pregnant

Phase 1 Nursery Construction

Reese Delaney

Mikayla's Birthday Party