Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Last Night?

Last Tuesday, Sept 21st, I started to notice that I was becoming increasingly itchy. While this had been the case for several weeks on my stomach, the itch began to spread to other areas of my body. By Wednesday, I was scratching myself crazy. I phoned my physician's office and he sent me to Sutter Roseville Hospital for a Non-Stress Test. Aislinn showed signs of "fetal well-being" and my physician assured me that my rash, now broken out all over my body, was not a danger to myself or Aislinn. 
My 38 week appointment was on Sept 23rd, and Dr. Maher suggested induction at 39 weeks. He checked my cervix and found that I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated (TMI???). This, he said, was a cervix "favorable" to induction without a significantly increased risk of C-Section. This information, along with the torturous itching, was almost enough to convince me to schedule the induction right then, but I hesitated and instead agreed to re-evaluate at my next appointment. So, that leaves me here tonight, awaiting my appointment in the morning, unsure of my fate over the next 24 hours...
Nerves are setting in. My stomach is in knots. Tonight may possibly be the last night of my life as I have known it, and my soul if filled with fear, excitement, and anticipation for my little girl to be here with me. 
I can't wait to meet her, to hold her, and to spend the rest of my life making sure she is loved, encouraged, and nurtured into the amazing person I know she will become. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

The New Car!

We finally pulled the trigger on a new car! Welcome Ruby, our 2008 Toyota Rav4  :)