Sunday, July 10, 2011

Travis started his job for United Health Group, and after a long and torturous 3 week training in Tennessee, he is back home, and has started working near UC Davis Med Center in Sacramento. He's given mixed reviews so far, but I think he could really enjoy this job once he gets the hang of things!
Aislinn started crawling on Father's Day (right after Travis left to fly back to Tennessee after visiting for the weekend!) and she hasn't stopped since. She is pulling herself up on anything and everything and she even lets go and balances on her own at times! She loves holding onto our fingers while walking around the house. We just had Aislinn's 9 month appointment and she weighed in at over 21lbs! Stats: 75th percentile for height, 85th percentile for weight, and 99th percentile for head circumference (smart, smart girl!).
We just got back from camping at Collins Lake with our friends Jenny, Ramiro, Molly, and Kevin, and we had a great time! Swimming, biking, BBQ, ice cream and smores... We love camping! And Aislinn got to spend some quality time with Grammy Tami!

Lilly, Cameron and Aislinn
Grandma Terri's Backyard

Aislinn Swinging!
My Grandparents Backyard

Aislinn with Grandma Terri
at Lilly's 2nd Birthday Party

Cousin Carter!

Mommy and Aislinn
Swimming at The Yanes' House

Monday, May 30, 2011

Kauai Vacation

We just returned from our Hawaiian vacation with our friends, the VDubs! We stayed 7 nights at the Waipoli Beach Resort and Spa, and we had a great time. Traveling with the babies was a little difficult at times, but we were still able to do quite a few fun things, including hiking the "Sleeping Giant," snorkeling at several beaches, going to a luau, and boating the Napali Coast. Like everyone always says.. you need a vacation from vacation. We returned and we are jet-lagged and exhausted! Here are just a few pics from our trip...

8 Months :)

Our little girl has reached the 8 month milestone! Here is a quick update:

Aislinn's 6 month check-up went well, she measured 6oth percentile for weight, 70th percentile for height, and 99th percentile in head circumference (obviously a very smart girl). Within a few hours of her appointment, she started to run a low-grade fever, which we anticipated with her vaccines. This went away, but a few days later Aislinn started to run a high fever, up to 106 degrees. We were worried about infection and took her in to see her pediatrician.  The doctor ran cultures (which was traumatizing for both Aislinn and Mommy and Daddy) and gave her a dose of antibiotic. We went home and tried to keep her fever down with cool baths, tylenol and motrin. 
Late that night, we had a scare.  I woke up and noticed that Aislinn felt cold in bed next to us. We got up to change her diaper and check her temperature and noticed she was acting differently than normal. Her eyes were open  wide and she was staring blankly at us, and her body was stiff and shaking. Her temperature was only 99, but with this change in her behavior we decided to take her to the hospital ER. By the time we arrived at the hospital, Aislinn was feeling really warm again. We gave her Tylenol and waited to see the ER doc. Within 30 minutes she was evaluated and the doctor said based on what we described that Aislinn may have had a febrile seizure, which he said was common with babies, as they have immature neurological systems that are inept in handling the rapid changes in temperature experienced during illness. 
He said we were doing everything right and sent us home with instructions to follow up with Aislinn's pediatrician. We saw physicians at the office three days in a row, and ultimately came to the conclusion that Aislinn had a virus that needed to run its course (most likely something she picked up at her well baby visit-GRRRR). Aislinn's fever broke within a week, and within 3 weeks she was back to normal. 

At 8 months, Aislinn is back on track. She has grown so much in the last two months. She is still sleeping through the night (usually from 9:30pm to 6:30 or 7 am). She usually takes a nap around 9 am, then whenever she feels like it throughout the day. She always falls asleep during walks and car rides, but these naps are usually short and end as soon as the stroller or car stops moving. She refuses to go down at night unless the lights are off and Mommy and Daddy are going to bed too. I suggested we move her out of our room, which I thought may help, but Daddy is not quite ready for that!
We planned on starting solids after Aislinn's six month appointment, but had to hold off while she was sick. We started making our own food for her, but discovered she likes the jarred baby food better. We have tried several different fruits and veggies, and Aislinn has mastered the level 1 and level 2 textures. I think her favorites so far are squash, mangos and bananas. She didn't seem to enjoy the green beans she just had for dinner nearly as much!
Aislinn has been increasingly vocal during the last few months. She babbles and shreiks, laughs and cries. She continues to roll and scoot around the floor, but has just in the last week or so also started to hold herself up on her hands and knees. She bobs back and forth, but hasn't made any coordinated crawling movements. She has also started to pull herself up in the crib, although she doesn't make it all the way to a standing position. Aislinn really likes going for walks and sitting on her blanket playing with toys. Sometimes she will sit and play for an hour at a time! Mommy and Daddy love it! The older she gets, the more fun we have! We LOVE our little girl!

Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day
Travis and I took our mothers, grandmothers, my sisters and Aislinn to the East Sac Garden Tour for Mother's Day. We started the day off with scones and tea (homemade of course) and then headed out to tour 6 beautiful gardens in Sacramento's Famous "Fabulous 40s" Neighborhood. We had a lovely time with the most important women in our lives and I enjoyed my first Mother's Day as a Mom.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

6 Months :)

Ahh, where to start? I have fallen behind on my blogging... to catch everyone (ie... my three blog followers) up, here is a quick glimpse of what we have been up to:
I returned to work at the end of January. After a few brief moments of anxiety and confusion, I realized that I was able to get right back into the swing of things! It has been nice to get out of the house and to use my brain again, but I definitely miss my little angel while I am away. Travis was laid off from his job at State Street in December, and has been taking care of Aislinn while I am at work. I think this may be a blessing in disguise, but Travis may disagree ;) However long it lasts, we are enjoying being able to spend lots of time together, watching our baby learn and grow. 
Aislinn has become the sweetest, happiest little girl! We love seeing her smile and making her laugh. She has recently realized that she has a voice. Sometimes she babbles softly, and other times she shreiks at the top of her lungs, making for some embarrassing and awkward moments in public! She has become very curious, reaching for anything in sight. She holds on tight to her favorite toys (Sophie, Butterfly, and Monkey) and everything ends up in her mouth, covered in drool. We are practicing sitting up and waiting for any signs of a first tooth. Next week, we will see how she is growing at her 6 month well-baby check up appointment.
I made a slideshow, but for some reason I have not been able to load it to the blog site! A guess a few pictures from the last few months will have to do...