Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas...

The wind is gusting outside and we're bundled up indoors! The holiday season has arrived and we're starting to prepare for Christmas. I'm still enjoying maternity leave, and since Travis was laid off from his job this last week, I'm enjoying lots of time with my hubby as well. Aislinn is doing great. She has started to smile more often and it becomes the highlight of our day when she grins for us :) Hopefully I can catch some more smiles on camera in the near future, but for now, here are a few pictures from the last few weeks...

Amber and Aislinn at the Clark's house for dinner

Aislinn and Reese on their latest playdate at Julie's house

Daddy and Aislinn after our Christmas Tree Decorating-slash- Cookie Party

Aislinn with Auntie Bre

Travis' Cookie Creations...

My Cookies

Family :)

Cookie decorating fun...

Daddy and Aislinn on Thanksgiving (at the Grandparents)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seven Weeks Old

Oh my! Aislinn is now seven weeks old and finally filling out a bit :) We have experienced a variety of emotions since her birth... love, hope, frustration, sadness, and absolute joy. Parenting has definitely been an adventure thus far and Travis and I are looking forward to Aislinn's continued progress (I can hardly wait for some giggling!). Travis returned to work after a month at home and I have been taking care of Aislinn during the day. I am always "thankful" (this is the month of Thanksgiving, right?) when Travis comes home from work or my mom or sisters are around to help out. Our little bundle of joy requires a lot of attention and hard work!

Some pics: (she has already changed so much!)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aislinn's Birth Story

Several weeks prior to Aislinn’s due date, her mommy developed a terrible rash and couldn’t stop itching!  Aislinn’s daddy was going insane watching Mommy torturously scratch her belly, her arms and her legs.  The itch was intense and medications didn’t help at all. Mommy soaked in oatmeal baths, took oral anti-histamines, and used topical ointments with no relief.

On September 23rd, Mommy went to see Dr. Maher. Dr. Maher listened to Aislinn’s heart and measured Mommy’s uterus and said that Aislinn was doing great.  While the rash was uncomfortable, Dr. Maher said that he did not believe it was dangerous to Mommy or Baby. Dr. Maher did, however, offer to induce the following Monday, at 39 weeks gestation, if Mommy’s symptoms did not improve.  This made Mommy nervous because of the increased risk of complications and c-sections that are common with induction. 

Mommy and Daddy discussed the option of induction over the weekend. They packed and prepared to head to the hospital after Mommy’s appointment in case they agreed to go forward with the induction.  Mommy and Daddy met with Dr. Maher at 8:30am on Monday September 27th.  Dr. Maher found that Mommy was 80% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated.  Dr. Maher was convinced that Mommy’s cervix was “favorable” to induce, and while Mommy was getting cold feet, Daddy encouraged Mommy to go forward with the induction. Daddy was eager to meet his baby girl, and he didn’t want Mommy to be uncomfortable any longer! Thus, the decision was made…

Mommy and Daddy arrived at Sutter Roseville Hospital at 10:00 am and were admitted by their nurse, Liz. At 10:45 Liz started Mommy on Pitocin to induce contractions. Liz titrated the medication, and by 12:00 Mommy’s contractions were consistently coming every 3-4 mins. At 12:30 pm, Dr. Maher came by. He checked again, and Mommy was 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated.   Dr. Maher used an amniohook to break the bag of water surrounding Aislinn, and Mommy’s first real labor pains began.  Without the cushion of the amniotic fluid, the pain intensified…

By 1:30 pm, Mommy begged for the epidural.  While Mommy and Daddy had practiced breathing techniques in their childbirth classes and in Mommy’s yoga class, with contractions coming every 2 mins and lasting over a minute each, it was too much for Mommy to take!

At 1:40 pm the anesthesiologist arrived and started to explain the procedure for the epidural.  Mommy interrupted her and said she agreed and she didn’t have any questions.  The anesthesiologist laughed and started to set up to place the epidural catheter.  Nurse Liz helped Mommy to get into position and the catheter was placed without any problems. By 1:55 pm, Mommy was no longer in pain, and the smile returned to her face J

Liz returned at 2:50 pm to place a foley catheter to drain Mommy’s urine, since she could no longer feel anything below her waist. Liz inserted the catheter, and was surprised when no urine came out.  Liz explained that she was sure the catheter was in the correct place. Liz decided to check Mommy again, and her face lit up as she gasped. “Daddy,” she said “come take a look at your baby’s head!” Mommy and Daddy were both shocked to find out that Mommy had fully dilated to 10 cm.  Aislinn’s placement, however, was still too high in the birth canal, and Nurse Liz sat Mommy up in bed so that she could “labor down,” allowing Aislinn’s head to further descend before it was time to push.

Day shift ended and Joyce took over for Liz. At 4:15 pm Mommy pushed for the first time.  After pushing during several contractions, Joyce said not to push anymore and called Dr. Maher to come and deliver baby Aislinn. After less than 6 hrs of labor and less than 30 mins of pushing, Aislinn Abigail Moran was born. She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long.  Immediately after delivery Aislinn was placed on Mommy’s chest, and Mommy and Daddy fell head over heels in love!



Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Last Night?

Last Tuesday, Sept 21st, I started to notice that I was becoming increasingly itchy. While this had been the case for several weeks on my stomach, the itch began to spread to other areas of my body. By Wednesday, I was scratching myself crazy. I phoned my physician's office and he sent me to Sutter Roseville Hospital for a Non-Stress Test. Aislinn showed signs of "fetal well-being" and my physician assured me that my rash, now broken out all over my body, was not a danger to myself or Aislinn. 
My 38 week appointment was on Sept 23rd, and Dr. Maher suggested induction at 39 weeks. He checked my cervix and found that I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated (TMI???). This, he said, was a cervix "favorable" to induction without a significantly increased risk of C-Section. This information, along with the torturous itching, was almost enough to convince me to schedule the induction right then, but I hesitated and instead agreed to re-evaluate at my next appointment. So, that leaves me here tonight, awaiting my appointment in the morning, unsure of my fate over the next 24 hours...
Nerves are setting in. My stomach is in knots. Tonight may possibly be the last night of my life as I have known it, and my soul if filled with fear, excitement, and anticipation for my little girl to be here with me. 
I can't wait to meet her, to hold her, and to spend the rest of my life making sure she is loved, encouraged, and nurtured into the amazing person I know she will become. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

The New Car!

We finally pulled the trigger on a new car! Welcome Ruby, our 2008 Toyota Rav4  :)  

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Where does the time go? I have fallen behind yet again, and since I'm officially off on maternity leave, I really have no good excuse!  
I am now a little over 35 weeks pregnant and I started maternity leave a week and a half ago. My first day off of work was sad. I felt like I had lost something... But that feeling really only lasted one day and then the excitement set in! 
Pregnancy continues to taunt me with uncontrollable weight gain (40 lbs as of this morning), swelling, shortness of breath, and fatigue. And, of course, the occasional mood swing :(
Nursery construction has started, but we still have lots more to do to prepare for Aislinn's arrival. My first baby shower with my co-workers was wonderful, and I'm excited for this weekend and our second baby shower with family and close friends! 
Julie and Tyler welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Reese Delaney, and we recently celebrated Mikayla's 8th Birthday and Cameron's 4th Birthday. 
We just finished up our childbirth classes and the hospital tour in preparation for delivery. I decided to take the semester off from the master's program at Sac State so that I could focus instead on our baby and my eventual return to work. Hopefully, when the time comes, the transition back to school will go smoothly! Here are a few recent pictures...

Cameron's Birthday Party

34 Weeks Pregnant

Phase 1 Nursery Construction

Reese Delaney

Mikayla's Birthday Party

Sunday, July 25, 2010

28 Weeks

28 Weeks came and went and I barely remembered to take pictures of my growing belly :)  Much has changed in the past week. I realized that working 12 hour days is no longer compatible with pregnancy. My doctor recommended a modified workload and schedule and I am now working 8 hour shifts, three days a week. While I would have liked to continue patient care until closer to my due date, I am happy to say that I feel much happier and healthier with my new workload. Who wants to come home with contractions and vomiting and feeling like they can hardly walk because their back pain is so severe??? Not me, and not Aislinn either.

Tomorrow will mark week 30 and I will be three quarters of the way done with pregnancy.  At this point I have gained almost 30 lbs (yikes) and have started to notice more swelling in my hands and legs. The heat has been absolute torture and Travis and I have been spending a lot more time indoors than we typically would during the summer... (Note to self: next pregnancy during the winter, please.)  I live in shorts and tank tops these days and I try to avoid the sun. It has been exciting for the last 2-3 weeks, as Aislinn is obviously getting much larger and her movements are getting stronger. Her cute little 'kicks' have turned into full blown attacks, although she has decided to stay camped out on the right side of my stomach for some time now. I can feel her back against the right side of my belly, although I'm not sure which end is her head and which is her bottom :) 

Travis and I are trying to enjoy summer as much as possible. We've been hanging out with friends, going to lots of BBQs and pool parties at the Yanes house, spending time with family, and counting down the weeks until our little girl is here with us. Travis is playing Rec Football and working in a new group at State Street (a much needed change of scenery).

Here are a couple pics with two of my favorite friends from high school (that I don't get to see nearly often enough!). We met up last weekend for drinks and shopping in Auburn.  Dang it... I'm still the fat one!

Me and Molly

Me and Jenny

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Squaw Creek Resort

Travis and I spent last weekend at the Squaw Creek Resort in North Lake Tahoe. We wanted to squeeze in at least one trip before we are confined to the area surrounding Sutter Roseville Hospital. We had a great time relaxing by the pool and enjoying good food. We started out blindingly white, and came home red... 30 minutes without sunblock is all it takes for some of us! Returning to work, I had my first day off of orientation. The day went well, and it was liberating to be able to take care of my patients again without having to check with someone else first! I hope it continues to go well!

The Beautiful Resort Pool

The View from the Resort

Eating Lunch at Sandy's Pub

Our Hotel Room

Babysitting Carter!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Life has been busy and exciting the last couple of weeks! The weather is finally living up to Californian expectations and Travis and I have been trying to enjoy it, although my heat tolerance is limited now that I am lugging around an additional 20 lbs! We did go on a kayaking trip a few weeks ago and also a family trip to the Sacramento Zoo. We also celebrated my Grandfather's 75th Birthday, welcomed Adam and Lauren's new baby girl, Ella Madeline, into the world, and today, showered my friend Julie with lots of gifts in anticipation of her little girl, Reese, who is expected in August (can you say 'run-on sentence'?... they were always my weakness in elementary school!). Travis has been focused on getting fit for the summer. He is up at 5:30 in the morning and heading to the gym before work, whereas I have been avoiding most physical activity all together. As I'm sure everyone will notice in my belly pictures, I have experienced a growth spurt in the last month or so.... and exercise has been low on my priority list. Cross your fingers that I can get back into it after Aislinn is born!  

Me at 20 Weeks Pregnant:

Me at 24 Weeks Pregnant with a 20 lb. weight gain!

Grandpa's 75th!

Fun at the Zoo

Ella Madeline (06-08-10)