Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aislinn's Birth Story

Several weeks prior to Aislinn’s due date, her mommy developed a terrible rash and couldn’t stop itching!  Aislinn’s daddy was going insane watching Mommy torturously scratch her belly, her arms and her legs.  The itch was intense and medications didn’t help at all. Mommy soaked in oatmeal baths, took oral anti-histamines, and used topical ointments with no relief.

On September 23rd, Mommy went to see Dr. Maher. Dr. Maher listened to Aislinn’s heart and measured Mommy’s uterus and said that Aislinn was doing great.  While the rash was uncomfortable, Dr. Maher said that he did not believe it was dangerous to Mommy or Baby. Dr. Maher did, however, offer to induce the following Monday, at 39 weeks gestation, if Mommy’s symptoms did not improve.  This made Mommy nervous because of the increased risk of complications and c-sections that are common with induction. 

Mommy and Daddy discussed the option of induction over the weekend. They packed and prepared to head to the hospital after Mommy’s appointment in case they agreed to go forward with the induction.  Mommy and Daddy met with Dr. Maher at 8:30am on Monday September 27th.  Dr. Maher found that Mommy was 80% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated.  Dr. Maher was convinced that Mommy’s cervix was “favorable” to induce, and while Mommy was getting cold feet, Daddy encouraged Mommy to go forward with the induction. Daddy was eager to meet his baby girl, and he didn’t want Mommy to be uncomfortable any longer! Thus, the decision was made…

Mommy and Daddy arrived at Sutter Roseville Hospital at 10:00 am and were admitted by their nurse, Liz. At 10:45 Liz started Mommy on Pitocin to induce contractions. Liz titrated the medication, and by 12:00 Mommy’s contractions were consistently coming every 3-4 mins. At 12:30 pm, Dr. Maher came by. He checked again, and Mommy was 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated.   Dr. Maher used an amniohook to break the bag of water surrounding Aislinn, and Mommy’s first real labor pains began.  Without the cushion of the amniotic fluid, the pain intensified…

By 1:30 pm, Mommy begged for the epidural.  While Mommy and Daddy had practiced breathing techniques in their childbirth classes and in Mommy’s yoga class, with contractions coming every 2 mins and lasting over a minute each, it was too much for Mommy to take!

At 1:40 pm the anesthesiologist arrived and started to explain the procedure for the epidural.  Mommy interrupted her and said she agreed and she didn’t have any questions.  The anesthesiologist laughed and started to set up to place the epidural catheter.  Nurse Liz helped Mommy to get into position and the catheter was placed without any problems. By 1:55 pm, Mommy was no longer in pain, and the smile returned to her face J

Liz returned at 2:50 pm to place a foley catheter to drain Mommy’s urine, since she could no longer feel anything below her waist. Liz inserted the catheter, and was surprised when no urine came out.  Liz explained that she was sure the catheter was in the correct place. Liz decided to check Mommy again, and her face lit up as she gasped. “Daddy,” she said “come take a look at your baby’s head!” Mommy and Daddy were both shocked to find out that Mommy had fully dilated to 10 cm.  Aislinn’s placement, however, was still too high in the birth canal, and Nurse Liz sat Mommy up in bed so that she could “labor down,” allowing Aislinn’s head to further descend before it was time to push.

Day shift ended and Joyce took over for Liz. At 4:15 pm Mommy pushed for the first time.  After pushing during several contractions, Joyce said not to push anymore and called Dr. Maher to come and deliver baby Aislinn. After less than 6 hrs of labor and less than 30 mins of pushing, Aislinn Abigail Moran was born. She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long.  Immediately after delivery Aislinn was placed on Mommy’s chest, and Mommy and Daddy fell head over heels in love!