Monday, May 3, 2010

30 Year Old Daddy

Travis turned 30 on Friday. After work, I surprised him with a reservation at Crush 29 in Roseville and told him that we were going to be finding out if our little Blueberry (apparently now 5 1/2 inches from head to 'rump' and definitely no longer the size of a blueberry) is a boy or girl. We were both super excited and could hardly wait for our appointment the following afternoon, although we both 'knew' that we were having a boy. After dinner we headed home where Travis discovered his present... the Tempurpedic bed he had been dreaming of for...well... years (really).  And the next morning, another surprise... massages!
We made it to our appointment early (of course) and had to wait for a little while before being taken back for our ultrasound. The baby was in an awkward position and very modest so it took a little while to get a good look, but after searching for 'the goods' for several minutes and not being able to find them, the realization came that we are having a little GIRL!!! While I was beaming with excitement, Travis looked like he was about to pass out with this discovery... He came around a few minutes later, but it became obvious that he was already nervous about his little girl's first date, the idea of her going out with friends by herself, and the prospect of child molesters... oh my! 
After lunch we stopped by Babies R Us to shop. Travis had lightened up a little by this time, and we both had fun looking at all the cute little girls clothing. Travis picked out a few outfits for the baby (he apparently likes pink!). 

We are both excited to be able to call our baby by her name now... Aislinn!

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