Tuesday, April 17, 2012

18 Months!

Aislinn is 18 months old and is a very mellow, sweet little girl. Just a glimpse of this age:
Ais loves playing chasing games, reading books, and playing with her puzzles. She has adjusted well to the new house and we are ALL happy for her to be in her own room. Ais wakes up around 8 and likes to start the day with a hearty breakfast. She likes to "help" dress herself and then enjoys playing in her room. She likes to have one of us with her (always) but can entertain herself for hours. She still takes a 1.5-3 hour nap after lunch, and our afternoons are filled with play dates, park play and walks. When Travis gets home from work we spend some time together as a family, have dinner, then it's bath time and bed time around 8:30.

Ais seems to understand most of what we say to her and she nods 'yes' and 'no' to our questions. Besides saying Mama and Dada, her first clear word was Baby, which she started saying at 17 months. Clear words thus far include: Mommy, Dada, Baby, Hi, Bye, No, Dog, Duck, and Ball.

Ais continues to be a good eater. Her favorites include fruit (all kinds), yogurt, eggs, oatmeal, PB&J sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, avacado, and smoothies. She uses the sign for 'more' to let us know when she is hungry. It is amazing how well she can communicate her needs without using words!

At her 18 month check up, Ais measured 90th percentile for height, 75th for weight and 99th for head circumference, and she continues to develop normally. She is a very bright little girl, and we are so happy with the little person she is becoming! We love you Aislinn Abigail :)

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