Friday, July 19, 2013


Travis was determined to take a vacation this summer despite my argument that we should save our vacation hours for when the baby comes. We kept it low-key and just went to Monterey for a few nights which ended up being a nice compromise! We enjoyed staying at the Monterey Plaza Hotel and Spa (the same hotel we stayed at for a past wedding anniversary) and we visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium and rented a surrey to ride to the beach for a picnic and sand play. We enjoyed a nice dinner in downtown Monterey and spent a fair amount of time just relaxing. Here are a few pics from our trip:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Aislinn at 2 1/2!

My little angel is growing so fast and I worry that I will forget all the wonderful things that she does every day... here is a glimpse of an average day at this point in time:
Ais is waking up a few times during the night now that 'Daddy' has taken over putting her down to bed. She yells "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" until he returns to her room to help her fall back asleep (I would not be this patient!) After a mediocre night's sleep, she is up around 7 am to start her day. She comes in to cuddle with me when she wakes up and asks "Ready to get up, Mommy?" Usually my answer is "Not yet... in a few minutes, Ais." I can usually get an extra 30 minutes of R&R before she gets restless.  First items on her agenda are eating, taking her gummy vitamins, and watching cartoons (Dora, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Diego are her favorites). She usually watches a cartoon in the morning while I get dressed and then she dresses herself (she insists on doing EVERYTHING herself!) so we can go on our walk. We almost always stop at the park to play before returning home to run errands or make lunch. Ais still naps, usually from 2-4pm and wakes up around the time Travis is coming home from work so that we can spend family time together. Ais is still very sweet, but has become more stubborn and opinionated since becoming a "terrible" two year old! She likes to furrow her brow and say "No, I don't want to!" to many of our requests. I tell her not to be bossy, and she says, "I'm not the boss. Mommy the boss. I'm Aislinn Abigail Moran!" Ais is starting to be a little more social and no longer shies away when strangers say hello to her. I love to see her becoming more confident around people other than us and our families. She loves to play with her "friends" and she gets excited when I schedule a play date. She plays pretty well with other kids. She has never been the type to grab toys or hit, so the only real battle has been encouraging her to share.... a difficulty for all toddlers! Ais doesn't eat nearly as much as she used to and she has really started to thin out and lose her baby chub, which reminds me all the time that this adorable phase will be over before we know it :( She tries new foods when we force it (which we always do!) but her favorite foods remain yogurt, fruit, crackers, and mac and cheese. Ais wears her big girl panties now and has been potty trained since she turned 2. Pooping in the toilet didn't come as easily at going potty, but we are finally there!  Overall, we continue to be so thankful for this amazing little girl and we hope that she will enjoy being a "Big Sister" in the near future. We love you Ais!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby #2 Is On the WAY!!!

We found out in early January that we are expecting a second little bundle of joy :) At this point, I am 16 weeks along and SO thankful to be done with the nausea and tiredness of the first trimester. So far, this pregnancy has been more difficult than the first. I have been much more tired and nauseous than I remember being with Aislinn. I'm sure a lot of that can be attributed to having a toddler to care for this time around. Pregnancy (and life in general) is passing by quickly. It seems like we are always on the move which leaves little time to contemplate the upcoming changes. Work is tiring but going well. I'm working on picking up extra hours to ensure that I qualify for "baby bonding" leave when #2 arrives. Travis and Ais are doing well and looking forward to our family growing come Sept 2013. We are considering waiting until the birth to discover the gender of this little one, but we'll have to wait and see if we actually have the patience for that! I guess we need to line up names for a boy or a girl just in case :)

Winter 2012

It's finally Springtime and the sun is starting to shine! Although I am not a fan of the winter months, I should at least acknowledge that they do exist, so here are some winter catch-up pictures! I wish I could load videos to the blog. Ais is such a busy body that I can't ever get any good pictures of her. I have lots of videos though! Maybe someday I'll figure out how to post them :)

BuzyKids in Folsom

The Train Museum in Old Sac with Reese

Ais loved holding Liam, but the feeling was not mutual!

Ais wants to do EVERYTHING herself, including her hair!

Playing in the yard.


Fun trip to the snow park with the Herreras.

Ais started ballet and gymnastics classes through the city, and swim lessons at Sea Otter Swim School.  I think Gymnastics is her favorite so far!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We enjoyed a low-key Halloween with our little Rag Doll :) This picture was taken at Truck-or-Treat at the Bayside Church! 

Stacey's Wedding

Congratulations to Stacey and Mat! Thank you both for including me in your special day :) The ceremony was peaceful, unique and at an amazing location overlooking the bay. My hubby was unable to attend... he was running his first MARATHON! Go Travis! 

Where my LADIES???

In October I took a GIRL'S TRIP to New York City! We came into the city on a red-eye flight and with absolutely no sleep started our first day exploring the madness of NYC.  We followed a densely packed spread-sheet itinerary and we able to fit in an amazing amount of fun and sight-seeing in just 3 days. What were my favorite parts of the trip you may ask??? Watching Wicked on Broadway, going dancing, drinks in a swanky bar overlooking the city, and biking through Central Park :) Here are a few pics!