Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby #2 Is On the WAY!!!

We found out in early January that we are expecting a second little bundle of joy :) At this point, I am 16 weeks along and SO thankful to be done with the nausea and tiredness of the first trimester. So far, this pregnancy has been more difficult than the first. I have been much more tired and nauseous than I remember being with Aislinn. I'm sure a lot of that can be attributed to having a toddler to care for this time around. Pregnancy (and life in general) is passing by quickly. It seems like we are always on the move which leaves little time to contemplate the upcoming changes. Work is tiring but going well. I'm working on picking up extra hours to ensure that I qualify for "baby bonding" leave when #2 arrives. Travis and Ais are doing well and looking forward to our family growing come Sept 2013. We are considering waiting until the birth to discover the gender of this little one, but we'll have to wait and see if we actually have the patience for that! I guess we need to line up names for a boy or a girl just in case :)

Winter 2012

It's finally Springtime and the sun is starting to shine! Although I am not a fan of the winter months, I should at least acknowledge that they do exist, so here are some winter catch-up pictures! I wish I could load videos to the blog. Ais is such a busy body that I can't ever get any good pictures of her. I have lots of videos though! Maybe someday I'll figure out how to post them :)

BuzyKids in Folsom

The Train Museum in Old Sac with Reese

Ais loved holding Liam, but the feeling was not mutual!

Ais wants to do EVERYTHING herself, including her hair!

Playing in the yard.


Fun trip to the snow park with the Herreras.

Ais started ballet and gymnastics classes through the city, and swim lessons at Sea Otter Swim School.  I think Gymnastics is her favorite so far!